Wednesday 30 June 2021

The Two Pre-Modern Traditions of the English Constitution: A Brief Outline

 This is a brief note on the two competing “traditions” of the English constitution from the High Medieval through to the Early Modern. I use the word “tradition” pointedly – both views or schools saw themselves as upholding an old and proven form of constitutionalism. In the 17th century Locke would offer a constitutional theory from first principles; that is one plausible starting point for a “Modern Tradition” of the Constitution, but at that point it was an innovation, not anything passed on.

“The Ancient Mixed Constitution”
The first of the two Pre-Modern Traditions is that of the “Ancient Constitution”. In one form or another, this view traces the mixed constitution of England and then Great Britain to some form of hoary, pre-Conquest past. The general idea is that the balance of powers and rights and duties is age-proven and heritable – to revert upon it is to breach an ancient and healthful compact.
This tradition can be found in one form or another from the time of Magna Carta (1215) onwards. Magna Carta itself establishes rather than reaffirms rights, though King John stipulates that the rights so granted are heritable by “their [the Barons’] heirs forever”. Importantly, though, Magna Carta’s Minor brother – the Forest Charter – specifically reaffirms pre-existing, even pre-Conquest rights of forestage. Just as Domesday gave cover of the continuity of law to the great changes of the Conquest, so the Forest Charter establishes common rights to land by appeal to a previous age.
The High Medieval jurist Henri de Bracton (1210-1268) forms a link in this tradition, by specifying a distinctive of English law, unique (to his mind) amongst all law codes: the importance of “custom”, unwritten law and tradition approved by usage. Though Bracton’s categories of the purpose of law are otherwise entirely in line with the continental and civil tradition of law, this specific additional category gives his view of English law a distinctive twist.
The Plantagenet Chief Justice and Chancellor Sir John Fortescue (1394-1479) drew heavily on two sources for his classic definition of the English constitution as “both royal and political” (i.e. based both on the authority of the Crown and the people): first, the mythology around the founding of England by Brutus the Trojan, and the rights implied by the choosing of a King for the Britons; and second, Thomas Aquinas and his continuator and confessor Ptolemy of Lucca. The mixed constitution of England was proven by long usage and was an inheritance – like the Forest Charter, the idea of ancestral rights is vital here, and for Fortescue those rights date from deep Antiquity.
The Elizabethan diplomat Sir Thomas Smith (1513-1577) does not innovate on his sources in his “De Republica Anglorum”, for all that the Reformation has changed matters. Smith particularly uses the language of England having a “mixed constitution”, where each part (or “branch” as we might now call it) balances the others. Like Fortescue, he compares this favourably to the French constitution (though Fortescue is overall much more balanced and nuanced).
Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634), the early Stuart jurist and chief author of the “Petition of Right”, also relied on the idea of inherited rights. His Law Reports regularly referred to the idea of the Ancient Constitution. The “Petition”, presented to Charles I in 1628, referred to statutes granted under Edward I and III barring taxation without Parliamentary consent, concluding that “your subjects have inherited this freedom”. The body (Parliament) which had defined this right had never revoked it; the King could not alone do so. This is entirely in line with the pre-Reformation logic of the Forest Charter, Bracton’s proven usage of customs, and Fortescue’s ancient constitution; this is not simply, then, a logical innovation of the Reformation.
The Lords Declarant of 1688, led by Lord Halifax (1633-1695), chiefly recapitulate the Petition of Right’s logic in their “Declaration of Right” and “Bill of Rights” of 1689. Particularly, they claim to act in “vindicating and asserting their ancient rights and liberties”. When we trace the constitutional tradition – of a constitution both royal and political, of the right to choose a King finally residing with the people, of heritable political rights – we see that there is a deeper well to the actions of the Lords Declarant than simple ambition (though no doubt there was that, as well). Their actions are not Whiggish cover for Enlightenment ideas – the Lords included many Tories, and their shared tradition was one they traced back centuries or even (re Brutus) millennia.
Sir Humphrey Mackworth (1657-1727) and his famous intellectual successor Lord Bolingbroke (1678-1751) sought to affirm this idea of an “Ancient Constitution”. Bolingbroke did so particularly in the face of Walpole’s “New Whigs”, who favoured a much stronger pseudo-Parliamentary executive (but without regular or open elections) and a weakening of the royal power. Bolingbroke sought to fuse the remaining non-Jacobite Tories with the “Old Whigs” in defence of the “Ancient Constitution” vindicated in 1688. Though in his own time this only worked as a short-time measure, in the long run his vision won out.
That it won out can be seen in the career of the last great Old Whig, Edmund Burke (1729-1797). (Burke used the term “Old Whig” as a marker of a friend of the Old Constitution, against New Whigs radicalised by the Enlightenment.) Burke – like the Lords Declarant of 1688 – is sometimes seen as inventing wholesale, or taking from some proto-liberal Puritans, a constitutional idea of inheritance and mixed government. He is also accused on inconsistency in his political thinking – for the American Revolution, against the French Revolution, because he was (say) in favour of a slaver revolution and against a progressive revolution. Of course the accuser in the latter case exposes their own priors, but the case must be answered. Burke supported the American Revolution as a vindication of inherited English rights, of taxation relating to representation and so forth; he opposed the French Revolution for its tearing down of inherited traditions. He opposed Dr Price’s reading of the Glorious Revolution as an Enlightened and Liberal, because he did not believe the English Constitution was discoverable from raw first principles; it was a matter of inheritance. Inheritance and familial rights were a regular theme of Burke’s – consider his opposition to the Popery Laws in Ireland affecting land ownership and inheritance, or his plans for an abolition of slavery based on emancipating West Indian slaves via familial land grants.
At the end of our period, we see this theory of the English Constitution influencing the American Founding Fathers (particularly Adams) and impressing several French observers (particularly de Lolme and de Maistre).
The Absolutist Constitution
The opposing tradition has a less simple “through-line”, but rather tends to adduce tradition (whatever the tradition is) in favour of absolute monarchy. The “mixed government” tradition relies on one general argument (the inheritance of rights in the Ancient Constitution) – the Absolutist Constitution springs from several sources but all find that the right of inheritance or the basic law of nature reposes power in perpetuity in the King.
Sir Robert Filmer (1588-1653) was the foremost theorist of Absolutism under the aegis of James I and Charles I. His general principle in “Patriarcha” is that power is always invested by God in fathers. Adam was both father of a biological family and King of the world; subsequently Kings serve as fathers of their nations and so have final authority vested in them, with no right of appeal. Where Fortescue relies on Thomas/Ptolemy to adduce Scripture in favour of mixed government, Filmer makes the opposite argument. Filmer is Locke’s target in the “Two Treatises on Government”.
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) is, by some measures, a “tradition”-based theorist in a way his counterweight Locke is not. Hobbes bases a significant part of his argument in “Leviathan” on the pattern of Scriptural government: at each stage ultimate authority in the people of God is vested in one figure (High Priest, King, etc). This both demonstrates a general pattern in nature and is a political economy extended by the New Covenant to “Christian” nations. Hobbes also regularly draws on “first principle” arguments, and is plainly an Enlightenment writer, but he (seemingly sincerely; it’s hard to tell, as Hobbes is a Machiavellian crank) does use a similar form of argument to Filmer. Interestingly, Hobbes is perhaps the only author on this list to seriously frame the discussion in terms of the Reformation – one of his great interlocutors is Cardinal Bellarmine, whose anti-Absolutism Hobbes opposes.
Finally, Robert Brady (1627-1700) was the great Stuart apologist in the later Absolutist era, under Charles II and James II. He took aim at the Ancient Constitution, arguing specifically that any such Constitution was entirely uprooted by the Conquest, the feudalism of which vested final authority in the King. Magna Carta, to Brady, was a relief of feudal duties by the King, not an appeal to any older idea of right, or any sort of personal property to be appealed to by future generations. It was entirely in the hand of the King to give and take away. It was to Brady that Mackworth and Bolingbroke replied, seeking to counter this argument. Where for Filmer and Hobbes, absolutism is founded on Scriptural ideas of kingship, for Brady there is, if you like, a different “Ancient Constitution” and legal order – but stemming from 1066, not Brutus and the Saxons.
The strength of the Absolutist tradition is, I think, its fairly clear and direct arguments from Scriptural patriarchy, and Brady’s careful historical work on feudal duty. As an “Ancient Constitutionalist”, naturally I have not been wholly convinced. For instance, the Forest Charter certainly presumes pre-Conquest rights were viable claims, and Bracton, Fortescue, and Smith all assume an antique constitution by one route or another. The Ancient Constitution also cannot be simply be dismissed as Whiggish pettifoggery – its earliest systematic exponent is Fortescue, who relies upon Scholastic writers and who (like Bracton) holds to a very traditional view of the moral purpose of princes and kings.
Next time I may write about the later Liberal counter-tradition, or focus in on one or more of these authors.

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